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Gurdjieff Ensemble

The internationally acclaimed Gurdjieff Ensemble consists of leading musicians from Armenia playing Armenian and Middle Eastern traditional instruments. The Ensemble was founded by Levon Eskenian to play ‘ethnographically authentic’ arrangements of the G. I. Gurdjieff/Thomas de Hartmann piano music, then diversely expanding the repertoire that now includes music by Komitas, music from the Middle East, as well as ancient and medieval Armenian folk and spiritual music, troubadours songs from the Caucasus, and works collected by Bela Bartok and compositions by contemporary composers. Their “Music of Georges I. Gurdjieff” debut album and “Komitas” album on the famous ECM records were widely acclaimed and won prestigious awards including the Edison Award in the Netherlands. The ensemble has been touring in nearly 150 cities in 26 countries in Europe, Australia, the Middle East, North, and South America, among which are sold-out performances at the Holland Festival, the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, the Boulez hall in Berlin, the Bozar Center in Brussels, the Morgenland and Rudolstadt festivals in Germany, the Gulbenkian Hall in Lisbon, the Budapest Spring festival in Hungary, the Sala São Paulo in Brazil, the Albert Hall in Canberra, the Chicago World music festival in the USA and many more.

Gurdjieff Ensemble

Levon Eskenian – arranger, artistic director/ Emmanuel Hovhannisyan – duduk, zourna, pku/ Avag Margaryan – blul, zourna/ Armen Ayvazyan – kamancha/ Aram Nikoghosyan – oud/ Meri Vardanyan – kanon/ Vladimir Papikyan – santur, voice/ Davit Avagyan – tar, saz/ Mesrop Khalatyan – dap, dhol/ Norayr Gapoyan – duduk/ Eduard Harutyunyan – tmbouk, cymbals, bell

On ECM records

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Music of Georges I. Gurdjieff Album


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Komitas Album


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New Release – Zartir Album

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Our new album “Zartir” is released on ECM Records

Our new album “Zartir” is now available in CD and limited-edition vinyl formats. You can find the album at your local recording shops, online, streaming platforms or directly on the ECM Records website.

Order the “Zartir” album on ECM Records!

Our upcoming concerts are on the following dates:

April 23, 2025: Gent, Belgium

April 25, 2025: Groningen, Netherlands

May 16, 2025: Bristol, England

May 17, 2025: Norwich, England

May 18, 2025: London, England

May 25, 2025: Thessaloniki, Greece

June 4, 2025: Essen, Germany

Program: G.I. Gurdjieff, Sayat-Nova, Baghdasar Dpir, Ashugh Jivani, Komitas.

Thank you for your continued support. Looking forward to meeting you at our concerts!

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